Monday, 13 May 2013

Just a little something :)

Hey guys! I have a video for you people to watch so if you're in a bad mood then this will [Hopefully] cheer you up! :) Keep in mind that this has some bad language so if you're under 12 you probably shouldn't watch this. Enjoy! :)

P.S: If you like this video, check out other videos on Adam Waithe's youtube page and again, they do have strong language in them so just be careful :)

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Long time no see eh?

Hey people of this blog :) As Daniella said we are looking for admin.So if you ever wanted to admin something and was too afraid to try? This is your time to shine.
The other thing is that we are not active, at all. I know, I know but don't worry about this. The thing is that we are busy we our school work and our summer exams are coming up so from 2nd of June we will be active. We will post random videos and posts. So see you then! :)


Hey guys! It's Daniella here and I'm here to tell you that we are looking for admins! We are only accepting a certain amount of people so if YOU are interested, send me an email at . Looking forward to working with you! :)x

And for all of you people who read the blog, I'm going to be much more active during the summer as exams are coming up!